
Founders of Gloomhaven

Created by Isaac Childres

A stand-alone city building board game of tile placement and action selection, set in the world of Gloomhaven.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Upgrading More Tokens!
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 01:36:28 PM

Hello founders of Gloomhaven!

Would you look at that! We've hit $250,000! And 5,000 backers, which is a whole heck of a lot of backers for a heavy Euro game! And we're only a day into the project? That's just silly.

I suppose you are wondering about new stretch goals then? Yeah, okay, that makes sense.

More upgraded tokens! Like the title of the update says!

As you may know, the game ends when six of the prestige buildings have had all of their resources delivered. Whenever a prestige building is completed, you place a completion token on it, and once the six completion tokens are used up, the game is over.

Right now, the completion tokens are kinda boring, so I want to turn them into big, chunky wooden bits like the active player marker you just unlocked. Now, as with the active player marker, I'd love to show you some visuals here, but, again, you all are just too fast for us! We haven't designed them yet! But don't worry, we'll be giving you lots of updates about the visuals as the campaign progresses.

Oh! Speaking of updated visuals! Look at what appeared in my inbox this morning!

Did I mention Alexandr is the best? If you aren't aware, these are Vermlings. They're pretty cool. They'll be supplying wood to the city of Gloomhaven. As the campaign progresses, I'd like to do little spotlights on each of the races for you, but for now, I'll just let you stare at the art.

I think that's all there is to discuss at the moment, so have a great weekend!

We have funded rather quickly! (And then hit 200% while I was writing this.)
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 11:04:58 AM

Well, hello my fellow founders of Gloomhaven!

You did it! You funded this crazy thing in less than 30 minutes. We're now an hour into the project (as I write this), and we're already way past 150%!

I wasn't sure what to expect when I hit that launch button because this game is so different from Gloomhaven. Seriously, it's very different. You know that, right? It's not an expansion. I just wanted to make that clear!

But, yeah, as I was saying, I didn't know what to expect, and you all have seriously surpassed any expectation I could have possibly had, so you have my sincere thanks for that.

Yes, I know, the Gloomhaven reprint raised $4 million and had over 40,000 backers, but, well, did I already mention that this is a much different project? Those interested in heavy tile placement Euro games aren't necessarily the same people that like hack-and-slash dungeon crawlers.

So thanks for joining me on this new adventure! Oh, did I already say thanks? I keep repeating myself...

It has been a busy past few days and I am running on no sleep, so that's probably why.

In addition to hearing my profuse thanks, you probably also want to know about what's going on with those stretch goals now that we are well past funded.

Well, we do have lots of great stretch goals planned, but the truth of the matter is that I was expecting to have a little bit more time before we needed to put them up. Let me tell you, it was a white-knuckled ride getting up what you see now on the page in time, and the stretch goal graphic had to take a bit of a back seat.

But just because the graphic is still in progress doesn't mean I can't tell you about what's going to happen. The bottom line is that we are shooting up super fast, so, in order to pace ourselves, I've decided to drop some big, heavy stretch goals right up front.

At $100,000, which we may hit before I finish writing this sentence, we're gonna switch those basic pawns out for custom screen-printed meeples of the the eight races in the game: Humans, Quatryls, Orchids, Savvas, Inox, Vermlings, Valraths and Harrowers. (That was a long sentence, but we're still a bit shy of the goal.) This means that instead of four sets of player meeples, you will get eight much better looking sets of meeples. How much better looking? Well, I can't show you, because Josh hasn't had time to design then yet, but you trust Josh, right? I trust him to make them look awesome.

So right about now you may be wondering, "Well, if there are four player colors and eight sets of meeples, how will they match up?" And for now, the short answer is they won't and don't really need to. You can have your colored player bits to claim stuff out on the map and then non-colored meeples to place on cards off of the map. The meeples don't really need to be identified by color.

But still... it would be better if things matched up, right? Which is why at $150,000 we're going to include eight whole sets of wood player tokens to match your uniquely colored custom meeples. That is a full twice as much wood, which is a big deal! Having race-specific player tokens will also allow us to do other cool stuff in the future.

Of course, the game will still only play up to four players, but now all the coloring, including the colors on your player mats and everything, will match perfectly.

There's more exciting things after that, but surely that will tide you over for now, right? You're not going to blast through $150,000 in another hour, right? That would be crazy...

I will leave you here, but there was one more thing to mention. Heavy Cardboard is doing a live teach and play through of the game in about 7 hours (9 pm EDT). If you want to know more about the game or just watch some entertain people play through it, you should definitely check it out. I will there in the chat cheering on someone other than Edward (he beat me at my own game when we played at Origins...)

Have a great day, and I promise future updates will be more visual!